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Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)

DORA is a key EU regulation from January 2023, enhancing IT security for financial entities and ensuring the resilience of the European financial sector.

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What is DORA?

The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) is a pivotal regulation by the European Union that was enforced from January 2023 and will be applicable from January 2025. It aims to bolster the IT security of financial entities, including banks, insurance companies, and investment firms, ensuring the European financial sector remains resilient in the face of severe operational disruptions. DORA brings a unified framework for addressing ICT risks, incident reporting, digital operational resilience testing, third-party risk management, and information sharing among financial
entities and their ICT service providers.

Key Features of DORA

DORA regulatory text covers different aspects of ICT reporting and control:

policy management
Risk Management

Comprehensive ICT risk management

DORA mandates financial institutions to adopt a holistic approach towards managing Information and Communication Technology (ICT) risks. This involves the entire lifecycle of ICT systems, from design and development to decommissioning, ensuring that potential threats are identified and mitigated proactively.

policy management

Standardized reporting of serious ICT incidents

The regulation establishes uniform procedures for reporting significant ICT-related incidents.
This standardization aims to streamline the process, making it easier for authorities to gather data, analyze trends, and address vulnerabilities across the sector.

policy management

Monitoring and control of third-party ICT provider risks

Recognizing the critical role of third-party vendors in the financial ecosystem, DORA emphasizes the need for rigorous oversight of these entities. Financial organizations are required to closely monitor the risks associated with outsourcing ICT services and to ensure that their vendors adhere to high operational resilience standards.

policy management

Regular testing for operational stability and security of critical ICT systems

To ensure that financial institutions can withstand and quickly recover from cyber incidents, DORA requires regular testing of critical ICT systems. This includes vulnerability assessments and resilience testing to simulate real-world cyber threats and operational disruptions.

policy management

Enhanced protection and preventive measures against ICT threats

Finally, DORA introduces enhanced measures for protecting against, and preventing, ICT-related threats. This includes the implementation of robust cybersecurity policies, the adoption of advanced technologies to detect and counteract cyberattacks, and continuous improvement practices to stay ahead of evolving cyber threats.

Implications of DORA

Financial organizations are required to update their ICT systems, optimize processes,and train employees to adhere to these new standards, thus enhancing the overalldigital resilience of the financial sector in Europe.

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DORA Regulation

How Grand Helps

Each module in's GRC software suite plays a pivotal role in ensuring comprehensive compliance with the DORA regulation, addressing specific aspect slike ICT risk management, incident reporting, third-party risk management, and continuous adaptation to regulatory changes.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Digital Operational Resilience Act?

The Digital Operational Resilience Act, aims to ensure that all participants in the financial system have the necessary safeguards to mitigate cyber threats and IT risks. By establishing rigorous digital operational standards, DORA enhances the overall resilience of the financial sector.

Who is affected by DORA?

DORA, or the Digital Operational Resilience Act, affects a wide range of financial institutions within the European Union. This includes traditional financial entities like banks, investment firms, and credit institutions. However, it also applies to non-traditional entities. This means that crypto-asset service providers and crowdfunding platforms are also impacted by DORA.

What are the key requirements of the Digital Operational Resilience Act?

Its key requirements include having a robust digital operational resilience testing framework, creating efficient incident reporting mechanisms, and enhancing oversight of critical third-party service providers. Member states are also required to develop a national strategy to enhance the resilience of critical entities, conduct risk assessments at least every four years, and identify critical entities that provide essential services.

How does DORA integrate with existing regulatory frameworks?

It aims to streamline and consolidate IT risk requirements across the EU, therefore it will interact with current regulations . By setting a minimum standard for digital operational resilience, it complements existing regulations that deal with digital risks . In addition, DORA will require organizations to have robust structures in place to manage and mitigate digital risks, which should enhance their compliance with other regulations . Lastly, DORA takes a technology-neutral approach, meaning that it can adapt and integrate with any changes in technology or regulation .

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