script type="text/javascript"> _linkedin_partner_id = "5479313"; window._linkedin_data_partner_ids = window._linkedin_data_partner_ids || []; window._linkedin_data_partner_ids.push(_linkedin_partner_id);

Third Party Risk Management Software

Automate compliance and third party risk management while streamlining contract workflows and searches.

Governance, Risk and Compliance Software Tools

Grand Third Party Risk Management Solution brings you an integrated suite designed to enhance the efficiency and security of managing vendor contracts and compliance across the board.

AI Compliance Software

The Compliance Solution

The Complete Third Party Risk Management Solution

Regulatory Change Management
Compliance management
Centralised Vendor Management
Vendor Information

Comprehensive Register: Centralised vendor register with custom views.

Detailed Profiles: Manage vendor status,  criticality, and relationship owner.

Contract Management

Auto-Populate Fields: Auto-fill agreement details from contracts.

E-Signature: Integration with DocuSign or Scribe.

GRC AI Software
GRC Software
Automated Risk and Compliance Management
Ongoing Vendor Monitoring

Reassessments: Automated periodic risk and compliance reassessments.

Activity Log: Track changes and actions in detailed logs.

Off-boarding Vendors

Process: Contract review, termination letters, asset return, data destruction.

Monitoring: Post-termination checks for cybersecurity, financial news, sanctions.

Regtech Compliance Software
GRC Tools
Lifecycle and Continuous Monitoring
Onboarding Vendors

Upload and auto-fill vendor information from existing contracts.

Start from Scratch: Manually enter vendor details for new onboarding.

Automated Risk Assessments

Due Diligence: Conduct due diligence assessments with our template.

Monitoring: Track assessment status, summary of findings, and approval.

GRC Software Benefits

GRC Software

Proactive Risk Mitigation

Comprehensive Risk Mapping: Identify and map all risks, controls, and incidents related to each vendor.

Automated Risk Alerts: Receive real-time alerts for potential risks and compliance issues, allowing for immediate action.

Risk Scoring: Use advanced algorithms to score vendor risks and prioritize mitigation efforts.

Compliance searchComplete Compliance Platform

Regulatory Compliance

Monitoring: Ensure continuous adherence to industry standards such as DORA, EBA’s Outsourcing Arrangements, and ESMA’s cloud outsourcing guidelines.

Automated Audits: Conduct automated compliance audits and generate detailed reports to meet regulatory requirements.

Document Management: Centralised storage of all compliance-related documents with version control and audit trails.

Regulatory MonitoringGRC AI Solution

Operational Efficiency

Workflow Automation: Streamline vendor onboarding, assessment, and off-boarding processes with automated workflows.

Task Management: Assign and track tasks related to vendor management, ensuring timely completion and accountability.

Integration Capabilities: Seamlessly integrate with existing systems and tools to reduce manual data entry and improve data accuracy.

Regulatory UpdatesAI Compliance Software

Enhanced Oversight and Control

Centralised Dashboard: Gain a comprehensive view of all vendor activities, risks, and compliance statuses from a single dashboard.

Customisable Reporting: Generate customisable reports to track vendor performance, compliance metrics, and risk levels.

Real-Time Insights: Access real-time data and insights to make informed decisions and improve vendor management strategies.

Time and Cost Savings

Reduced Manual Effort: Automate repetitive tasks and reduce the need for manual data entry, saving time and reducing errors.

Efficiency Gains: Increase productivity by automating compliance checks, risk assessments, and vendor monitoring.

Cost Reduction: Minimise costs associated with compliance breaches, vendor-related incidents, and manual processing.

Talk to Our Team

Book a free demo to see our GRC software features and start customising your automated compliance solution.

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AI Compliance Automation

Our GRC Software Solution will become your regulatory helper, making compliance easier in the Financial Regulatory Landscape.

Reduce your
compliance risks

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